Here at Aspect Plan Management our participants often come to ask questions about what can be funded through their NDIS

Independent plan managers are impartial, enabling a participant to make informed decisions about their support arrangements without seeking to further their own financial interests.  A conflicted service provider would not be concerned about incorrect billing because they have put their own company’s interest ahead of participant.  

Did you now that people with autism are three times more likely to be unemployed than people with other disabilities?

CEO of Gobbill & Aspect Plan Management, Shendon Ewans spoke about NDIS fraud at the Transform Finance Conference (covering Anti-Money Laundering, Fraud, Technology Innovation & Security) 1st December 2022 Crowne Plaza Melbourne.

At Aspect Plan Management we understand that the receipt and review of all your invoices can be overwhelming for some whilst being a source of choice and control for others. 

To ensure we are accommodating for all our participants needs – we offer both a standing and participant approval option.  

What is the difference between standing and participant approval?

TheField.Jobs is a new employment and candidate matching platform launched by Dylan Alcott AO – this year. Checkout It

Aspect Plan Management is celebrating #diversity and #inclusion leading up to International Day of People with Disability (#IDPwD) this Sat

Your core budget is flexible and can include a range of different products that will help you in your daily life and activities. Once an amount is allocated in your plan, you choose how you spend it – providing it relates to your support needs and meets the reasonable and necessary tests. Learn more

The NDIS has been making the news a lot recently, and not in a good way. The Australian Criminal Intelligence

The question we often hear as plan managers is ‘where do your plan management fees come from?’ Your NDIS budget
