Wondering if the NDIS covers #sensory equipment and disability related #toys? Playtime with finger puppets and balance boards can be fun for everyone, but it is especially important for people with sensory processing disorders. Thanks to proven benefits, you can use your NDIS budget to purchase sensory equipment. We’re here to help you understand what sensory equipment is, how to access your NDIS funding, and how to purchase these items.

  At Aspect Plan Management, our participants often ask us questions about what can be funded through their NDIS plans.

CEO of Gobbill & Aspect Plan Management, Shendon Ewans spoke about NDIS fraud at the Transform Finance Conference (covering Anti-Money Laundering, Fraud, Technology Innovation & Security) 1st December 2022 Crowne Plaza Melbourne.

TheField.Jobs is a new employment and candidate matching platform launched by Dylan Alcott AO – this year. Checkout https://www.thefield.jobs/Job/ It

The NDIS has been making the news a lot recently, and not in a good way. The Australian Criminal Intelligence

You can spend your Core Consumables budget on Low cost Assistive Technology items, if they are required to maintain funded

At Aspect Plan Management, we receive many calls from people who are struggling to make sense of their NDIS funding.

The NDIS have published an update about how Participants can use their plan to purchase a device such as an
