NDIS Fraud on the rise targeting those most vulnerable. Learn how Aspect protects its’ participants.

NDIS Fraud on the rise targeting those most vulnerable. Learn how Aspect protects its’ participants.

A Sydney couple recently pleaded guilty to defrauding the National Disability Insurance Scheme of $1.5 million through a criminal syndicate that earned some members upwards of $50,000 a day. Alaedine Rifai, 41, and his partner Amal Hilmi, 36, were arrested in May last year for their role in the group, which saw three registered providers linked to the couple falsely claim for services by lodging inflated invoices, and invoices for services which were not delivered, or delivered only in part. The couple and their associates used the funds gained to purchase luxury cars, watches, jewellery, property and land, while victims were left out of pocket and unable to pay for the supports they needed. Their arrests and charges followed a 6 month investigation by the NDIS fraud taskforce last year.

On March 5th of this year the Senate Community Affairs Estimates Committee met to answer questions relating to the NDIS, including fraud. The NDIA told Senators that since the scheme began about 17,000 NDIS participants have had their plans “topped up” because they lost funds due to fraud or “money being inappropriately removed”. The total amount of money replaced was about $8 million. The NDIA also said they had 12 fraud investigations live right now, with 2 cases before the courts. Some estimates have stated that fraud may account for up to 10% of funds claimed through the $22 billion scheme, meaning that fraud in the NDIS may account for more than $2 billion dollars each year.

Aspect Plan Management safeguards its participants funds from fraudsters by using sophisticated detection and automation technologies. Our unique process means that each invoice must pass a series of checks before being paid, and participants have the ability to approve or reject invoices before they are paid. Our processes work to prevent and detect fraud before it occurs, so that vulnerable participants and their families are protected. We also support participants with record keeping and keeping track of their budget, so they can make the most of their plans with minimal effort, and maximum choice and control.

If you would like to join us and experience working with a plan manager who provides fast payments, responsive service and protection from false bills, contact us today. Email contact@aspectndis.com.au



